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Angling in Karup Stream

Hessellund Sø-Camping liegt unmittelbar am Karup Bach, der sich durch die schöne Natur von Skyggehale bis nach Skive schlängelt.

Karup Stream and the 3 large put & take lakes at the campsite is a real paradise for enthusiastic anglers. Here it is possible to have a good catch of sea trouts and at the same time to enjoy the beautiful nature.

See the catch report here, and follow what is caught in Karup å.

A paradise for anglers

The stream Karup Å is a paradise for anglers and is famous for the sea trouts

The camper guests have free fishing rights to 3 km of the Karup Stream – just next to the campsite – so it is easy to get started with the angling. Other guests have to pay DKK 60 per day.

You can also have fishing cards for other stretches at Karup Stream – both up and down the stream. Buy them on

Alle lystfiskere mellem 18 og 65 år skal have et gyldigt statsligt fisketegn for at fiske i danske fiskevande,

So don’t forget to bring your compulsory national fishing licence with you - buy it on:

Go fishing…and then put them on the barbecue....

Having your catch, you need to cook it or even better put in on the barbecue. We have placed the kitchen for cleaning fish and the fish room centrally at the campsite and you can buy the accompaniments in the kiosk.

Then we just have to say: May you enjoy it! It is also possible to freeze your catch if you prefer to bring it home with you after your Holiday.

Annual fishing competition "From source to outlet" in Karup Å

Årlig fiskekonkurrence i August.

Here you really get the chance to try some of this magnificent and legendary fishing water that you normally don't have the opportunity to fish in.