Hessellund Football Golf
Voksne: 80,-
Børn 1 – 14 år: 40,-
Everyone is welcome!
Are you ready to play? The course is large and we always have room. Unless you are a very large group, you do not need to book in advance.
Football golf - the sport that brings the family together
Football golf is a fun and enjoyable game that can be played by everyone, young and old, young and old.
Spillet foregår i almindeligt tøj eller sportstøj, -alt efter vind, vejr og lyst. En eller anden form for kondisko bør nok anvendes.
Fodboldstøvler må ikke anvendes.
The game originates from Sweden and, in all its simplicity, involves kicking a ball into a hole with the fewest possible kicks. Obstacles are then set up on the course, which resembles a golf course.
Come out and test your skills with friends, family, company or at a bachelor party.
For larger groups, call and find out more, and we will tailor an event to your specific needs.
After a good trip on the football golf course, there is an opportunity to grill and have fun in the Grillhytten, which is located by the course.
Here you can relax a bit and enjoy the lunch or cup of coffee you have brought.